Last Updated: 03/16/2022 01:05 PM
Manufacturer: STOUGHTON

Make & Model

Detailed Specification

As low as 8900 lbs., less liner and tarp. Depending on options applied.
Loads stay centered in the belly while dumping due to the round design.
Each side wall section overlaps the floor panel. Maximum Strength - Easier for repairs


MACSIMIZER HALF ROUND – has proven itself to be a lightweight rugged workhorse within the MAC family of dump trailers. Designed with a radius bulkhead, that offers a low profile front end complete with a lower center of gravity. This will provide a 7” lower front end and a 6” lower backend with 31” less flat space on the bulkhead compared to the Standard flat bulkhead. To help MACsimize your load, aerodynamics, and increase fuel economy our MACsimizer Half Round has a tare weight as low as 8,900 pounds (less liner and tarp); offering the volume of a traditional square dump and will provide the benefits of how the round designed body releases the load, keeping the material centered throughout the entire dumping cycle not to mention it is the lightest materials trailer in the industry today.